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First Risk Capital AS is a stock based limited liability company registered in Norway. The company's official number is 992 995 793. The company was established in 2008 and have a fully paid-in share capital of 50.000.000 NOK (€5 million) You can see the official data here. (Companies House Norway)


First Risk Capital AS is audited by EY in Drammen, Norway. Below you can find our official company certificates, ownership structure and key people overview.


First Risk Capital AS est une société anonyme à responsabilité limitée enregistrée en Norvège. Le numéro officiel de la société est le 992 995 793. La société a été créée en 2008 et dispose d'un capital social entièrement libéré de 50 000 000 NOK (5 millions d'euros). Vous pouvez voir les données officielles ici. (Norvegien) ​


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Incorporated 2008 in Norway

Company no.: 992 995 793

Share capital 50 million NOK

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